Jan Frohburg
SAUL School of Architecture
University of Limerick, Ireland
Email: jan.frohburg@ul.ie
Phone: +353 (0)61 23-3698
Office: ER3-024 Engineering Research Building
Y2 Design Studio AR4073 and AR4004
Y3 Design Studio AR4005 and AR4006
Y3 Assembly and Techniques AR4045
Y4/5 Elective AR4407 Design Change
Research interest evolve around community-centred planning, design education and self-build projects as well as the spatial expression of Modernity, focusing on the spatial concept characteristic to the works of Mies van der Rohe.
Jan Frohburg Freiraum, in: Paul Emmons, John Hendrix, Jane Lomholt (eds.) The Cultural Role of Architecture. Routledge, London: 2012
Jan Frohburg & Frank Petzold »Wie Mies sind Sie wirklich?« in: Jörg Joppien (ed.) Entwurfslehre – eine Suche. Teaching Design. Wasmuth, Tübingen & Berlin, 2008
Frank Petzold & Jan Frohburg »Not every new Monday…« – On using computer-games technology in architectural design education
in: Jamal Al-Qawasmi & Zaki Mallasi (ed.) Computing in Architecture – Re-Thinking the Discourse. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of ASCAAD. Sharjah UAE, 2006
Jan Frohburg Mies van der Rohe – Unscharfe Weite in: Ralf Weber & Matthias Amann (ed.) Aesthetics and Architectural Composition. Proceedings of the Dresden International Symposium of Architecture. Mammendorf, 2005
Getting it right – The role of assessment in education for reflective practice Teaching through design, International Colloquium on Design Studio Education Universidade de Coimbra, September 2012
Design Change Untitled, AIARG Conference DIT Dublin, January 2012 Hammer to Bell – A Limerick film (with Christina Gangos) Peripheries, AHRA Conference Queens University Belfast, October 2011
Freiraum – Ideas of freedom and nature in the work of Mies van der Rohe The Cultural Role of Architecture International conference University of Lincoln, June 2009
Student City Higher Education and Civic Engagement Partnerships: Create, Challenge, Change The Campus Engage International Conference, Dublin, June 2009
»Wie Mies sind Sie wirklich?« Entwurfslehre – eine Suche. Teaching Design II. Dresden International Symposium of Architecture, 2005 Mies van der Rohe – Unscharfe Weite
Aesthetics And Architectural Composition Dresden International Symposium of Architecture, 2004
Vorbild in Konstruktion und Baukunst A public debate on precedents in the works of Mies van der Rohe (organisation and chair – by invitation) Haus Lemke (Mies van der Rohe Haus e.V.), Berlin, 2004
Creative Work:
You Are Here (with David Lilburn, winning competition entry) County Galway Public Art Commission, 2012
The Drawing Board (with Edel Murphy, Adrian Clery, Diarmuid Ó Súilleabháin) Creativity research and public exhibition installation Table of Content, Limerick School of Art and Design, 2010
A Space for Learning Irish Architecture Foundation education project Castletroy College, 2010
AIARG All Ireland Architecture Research Group Leading the sub-group on Collaboration
Specialist Diploma in Teaching, Learning and Scholarship University of Limerick, 2012